Ed Professional Learning
Our professional learning combines two modalities of learning designed to suit you and your professional development requirements:
- Video masterclass experiences that feature world leaders in educational practice and theory
- Self-paced interactive courses that you can complete in your own time, at your own pace, at your own desk (includes assessment and formal accreditation)

Engaging masterclass
Design Tools and Tactics : Avideo masterclass
Learn to use industry standard design tools to turn your energy as an educator into the skills you need to inspire learning with your young people. This video is focused on how to use a Human Centred Design to engage with complex problems. Dr Ian Thomson is among the nations leaders in using HCD for educational good.
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Strategic design for your most complex challenge: Avideo masterclass
Learn to use Human Centred Design (HCD) to help solve staffing challenges, recruitment issues, and staff retention. Ben is an expert Principal who is experienced in the use of Human Centred Design to solve pragmatic challenges in any school setting.
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AI-ready: 5 questions your students need to be able to answer to save societyA video masterclass
AI has already changed everything, and no-one noticed. You are interacting with AI many times every day. AI is introducing amazing opportunities for creativity, inclusion and productivity - and also IP theft, marginalisation and workforce reduction. This is the world that your students will need to thrive in, navigate and perhaps, change for the better. Darren is among the nations leaders in understanding how ethics connects with education in the world of AI.
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Designing in complex systems: Global learnings to inspire educatorsA video masterclass
Designing in complex systems requires the ability to think at many different scales, zooming between the global, national, local and the deep human experience of the system. Since 2000, John has pioneered the application of design to large complex systems. In this video masterclass you will learn from one of the worlds leaders in the management of complex systems how you can master a multitude of variables to impact your students, planet and school for good.
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Self-paced interactiveonline Courses
Introduction to Design Thinking.